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Cambodia | Friends-International

Cambodia is a country situated in South-East Asia with a population of 16.5 million people. After years of civil war, Cambodia is now at peace and is growing economically very fast. Despite this, many children and young people lack opportunity and are in marginalized situations in the country.

Phnom Penh

Mith Samlanh


As Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh is the country’s center of economic activity and a magnet for migration from rural areas. Unprepared migration of poor rural families seeking higher living standards often results in poverty and marginalization. Currently, one quarter of the city’s population of 1.7 million people live in slum communities. Children in these communities are highly vulnerable to falling into life on the street and becoming victim to abuse and exploitation.

Mith Samlanh (“Close Friends” in Khmer) works in Phnom Penh to respond to the harsh living conditions of street living and working children. Today, it works in seven zones of the city, providing holistic social support to around 17,000 children, youth and families per year so they can claim their rights to health, safety, family care and education.


Mith Samlanh runs a full child protection and social reintegration program that includes outreach on the streets and in marginalized communities, drop-in centers for street children, Transitional Homes for children separated from family, non-formal education and vocational training. It is the program’s goal that every child access education and every youth have the skills to obtain stable employment. The program also supports at-risk groups, such as drug users and sex workers, to access rehabilitation and prevent sickness. In recent years, Mith Samlanh has increased its focus on youth employment, and provides specialized support through its Futures Offices.


Mith Samlanh operated the following social businesses in 2019:


Mith Samlanh implements the ChildSafe movement throughout Phnom Penh in order to mobilize all actors to protect vulnerable children. Through the ChildSafe Citizens Campaign, ChildSafe community awareness raising, and ChildSafe Agent training, Mith Samlanh mobilized and maintained a network of over 600 Agents which undertook over 9,000 child protection actions in 2018.


Our work in 2019:

  • 16,980 children, youth and caretakers worked with
  • 2,060 children provided education
  • 928 youth linked with skills and employment
  • 1.64 million support services provided 

Annual budget in 2019:


Number of staff:


Contact details:

  • P.O. Box 588, #215 Street 13, Sangkat Chey Chumneas Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
  • +855 23 220 596

Siem Reap

Kaliyan Mith


Siem Reap, the home of Angkor Wat, is the center of the tourism industry in Cambodia. With the number of tourists rising at an average of 15% a year, this status has led to Siem Reap being a driver of the Cambodian economy. However, increases in wealth have not been equitable throughout the province, and many marginalized children are forced into risky situations in order earn income for their families, including working on the streets in tourist areas. This exposes children to a variety of dangers such as sickness, drug use and exploitation by locals and tourists.

Kaliyan Mith (“Good Friends” in Khmer) fully utilizes the Friends model of social business, social support, and public mobilization to build the futures of children and families. Responding to the problems of predatory tourism, child abuse, lack of access to education, and youth employment, the program assisted 11,850 children, youth and caregivers in 2019.


Kaliyan Mith offers a range of social reintegration support, including family reintegration, school reintegration, and transitional shelter for vulnerable children. Marginalized youth can access skills training in five vocations: sewing, hospitality/cooking, mechanics, barber and beauty. Street outreach is conducted at both night and day to provide immediate services, and street-based children can access the drop-in center for counselling, life skills training and health services. The program supports youth and caregivers to find stable employment through its Futures Office.


Kaliyan Mith currently operates the following social businesses:

  • Vocational training restaurants, Marum and Nyum Nyum
  • Vocational training beauty shop, Phka Kravan
  • Vocation training mechanics shop
  • Friends ‘N’ Stuff fair trade gift shops
  • Income generating initiatives such as cookbooks and other initiatives


Kaliyan Mith is a full implementer of the ChildSafe Movement, including ChildSafe Citizens and Travelers Campaigns, community awareness raising, ChildSafe Agent training and the ChildSafe Hotline. In 2018, it maintained a network of 281 Agents in communities and 56 businesses in the tourism industry (hotels, travel agencies). In 2018, 632 children were directly protected through ChildSafe intervention (hotline/agent interventions).


In 2019:

  • 5,020 children and youth supported
  • 2,350 children provided education
  • 389 youth linked with skills and employment
  • 118 separated children reunited with family

Annual budget in 2018:


Number of staff:


Contact details: